NEW ZOOM Earth Crisis Support Group and Potluck Party Monday nights 4-6 pm pst Zoom ID 3025719458 in person in Dallas OR Worship weekly, Sunday’s 4 pm pst and we are back in the barn and on Zoom.
Church for our common home
God centered and guided and dedicated to Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine, Loving Community and the Arts
We work for an Ecologic Civilization with our 12 step program and we……….. 1. Share the truth that the current 6th extinction of life on Earth, the only one created by humans, is an invitation for transformation as a human species. 2. Share the history and human habits of dominant over relationships and commit to relationships of collaboration, partnership and co-creativity. 3. Make amends for our alienation and abuse of the natural world and our idolatry of scientism and rationalism using transdisciplinary reconnections of religion, art, psychology, ecology, etc. 4. Explore eco-feminist and process theology, celebrating God and Goddess language, symbols and relationships. 5. Study the teachings of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and their Church of Love highlighting the radical teachings to love our enemies, serve God not money, and doing unto the least of these ,with newly found gnostic scriptures and the world’s ancient wisdom traditions. more including newly found gnostic scriptures and the world’s ancient wisdom traditions. 6. Offer diverse spiritual practices to develop loving relationships with the natural world, Mother Earth and all creation. 7. Honor the invisible realms of dreams, prayer, intuition, parapsychology and imagination. 8. Celebrate the visual and performing arts, ritual making, beauty and creativity as divine spiritual practice. 9. Celebrate intergenerational community by intentionally including and honoring the very young and old. 10. Encourage consciousness raising with integration of body, sexuality, mind, spirit, feelings, intuition and imagination. 11. Work for social justice locally and globally in partnership with other organizations.12. Experiment with nontraditional church in order to create relevant, spirit filled and loving community.
Contact Martha with questions about Zoom, (619) 322-1376.
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.” Rev. Martin Niemöller, 1946
Declaration of the Church for Our Common Home March 2025
We stand in solidarity with Mahmoud Khalil and those threatened with illegal deportation. God calls us to mercy and we stand with the vulnerable as Jesus taught including refugees, the sick, poor, those suffering in the U.S. backed genocide in Gaza and “the least of these” including non-human creatures who are suffering from ecocide. (Matthew 25:40) As a faith community we are stewards of God’s creation. We are dedicated to serving God not money, loving and praying for our enemies and those who persecute us. We imagine an ecological civilization that includes all creatures at Gods’ table. We commit to working to save our democracy with the working poor and those who are persecuted. Our work is for the common good for all creatures in our interconnected web of life.
We, are people of conscience, guided by a vision of Peace on Earth and the principles of love, mercy, forgiveness and justice. We have made a sacred promise to love God, our neighbors, including the natural world each one as an extension of ourselves. We care for our common home, our habitat for this is the vision and work that will unite the human family to eradicate nuclear weapons and the addiction to war. We long to more justly share resources so everyone can survive and thrive. We declare our unwavering commitment to the protection of American democracy, now under threat. We work for world peace and the defeat of authoritarianism in all its forms.
At this moment in history, we recognize the grave dangers posed by dictatorship: the erosion of human rights, the suppression of truth, the concentration of power in the hands of the few, and the weaponization of fear to control the many. These threats endanger the dignity of individuals, eco systems, the health of communities, and the future of our common home—the Earth.
As citizens of the world and as members and friends of Church for Our Common Home we look to the teachings of Jesus to love our enemies lived out by Mahatma Gandhi and the nonviolent revolution that overturned the British Empire. Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. brought this teaching to the U.S. and it changed the way the world views racism.
We affirm that we humans have an urgent call from God to follow in their footsteps:
1. Truth must prevail over propaganda – We will speak truth to power for the truth will set us free. In the face of lies, we reject falsehoods designed to manipulate and divide, and defend the right of all people to access unbiased information.
2. Justice must triumph over oppression – We will stand in solidarity with those who suffer under injustice, resisting policies and actions that harm the vulnerable, silence dissent, or exploit the natural world.
3. Democracy must be defended – We will actively participate in democratic processes, reject all attempts to subvert free elections, and work to ensure that governance reflects the will of the people, not the interests of a ruling elite of the wealthy.
4. Nonviolent resistance is our moral duty – We will oppose dictatorship through peaceful means, using our voices, the written word, our votes, and our collective creative genius to challenge tyranny and uphold the principles of liberty and equality.
5. Community is stronger than division – We will build networks of support and solidarity, including with Earth Crisis Support Groups and Potluck Parties, recognizing that an injury to one is an injury to all, and that together we will create a just and sustainable future. Creating beloved community is our pledge.
We declare that no ruler, no government, and no system of oppression can stand against the will of a people determined to be free. We commit ourselves to action—by creating beloved community, loving relationships, visioning a world of peace, advocacy, prayer, nonviolent civil disobedience, and the unrelenting pursuit of justice—until democracy is restored, human rights are upheld, and the Earth our habitat is safe from threat. We pledge to protect and heal our common home for future generations.
We the undersigned call for mercy and declare this in courage and unity,
Rev. Bonnie Tarwater, Minister Church for Our Common Home Dr. Walter Rutherford, Director Our Common Home Counseling Center Anna Liza Smith, Rev. Carol Hilton, Rev. Bryan Jessup, Edie Jessup, Joan Noyce, Rev. Dr. Lucy Hitchcock, Kathryn Rainbow White, Truman Price, Victoria Young, Erin Shepard, Don DeFord, Rachel Daniel, Andrea Cristina, Kathy Ruyts, Sandra Walden, Martha Garcia, Lindon Hy, Catherine Sterns, Ruth Roberts, Courney Childs, David A. McMurray, Allison Clement, Josh Stewart, Sean Smith, Jolene Brock, John Brown, Kaia Martin, Traci Mc. Merritt, Rev. Anand Veeraraj, Alessandra Colfi . Sally Rings. Ted Lau, Cindy Lubar Bishop, Wali David Via, Marirose K. Lescher, Benikia Kressler, Ralph G Penunuri, Eliyahu Goodman, Michele Newman, Judy Coyle, Beth Brown, Rev. Katherine Jesch, Kathie Murtey, Sonya Howard, Troy Prouty, Rev. Steve Mitchell , Kate Landishaw
Special thanks to Ecumenical Ministry of Oregon and the Earth Summit theme of emergency preparedness. 2 Be 2 Weeks Ready
2WR-Unit-1-Module-EN.pdf and B2WR-Unit-2-Module-EN.pdf and Unit 3 file:///C:/Users/Bonnie/Downloads/B2WR-Unit-3-Module-EN.pdf, and Unit 4 file:///C:/Users/Bonnie/Downloads/B2WR-Unit-3-Module-EN.pdf
Earth Crisis Support Groups and Potluck Parties forming, “Don’t think a small group of people cannot change the world. It is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead Join us every Sunday 5-7 pm Dallas Oregon in person.
Confessions new book by John Cobb with concluding chapter and Appendix with Guidelines for weekly Earth Crisis Support Groups and Potluck Parties by Bonnie Tarwater, available on Amazon. Links to audio above.
“Don’t think a small group of people cannot change the world. It is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
Earth Crisis Support Groups and Potluck Parties have begun in Oregon and New York and we hope will spread around the world. Our common aim is to create small communities of radical love to share the truth about the worst existential threat currently to the human family and our common home, Mother Earth in her 4.5 billion years of life. Small groups commit to sharing of their feelings, telling the truth, eating together and cocreating creative responses to this historic time. Together we are able to face what alone is too painful as we 1. Agree that there is an earth crisis. 2. Are willing to share our feelings with other people.3. Are willing to talk about what is going on the world currently including the escalating threat of nuclear war and ecological catastrophe. 4. Are willing to eat with others at least once a week in people’s homes and explore visions, hopes and dreams for new ways of living that we are creating out of this crisis as we commit to the spiritual practice of radical love of one another. A team of experienced group leaders are available to support new groups. Cosponsored by the Living Earth Movement and Our Common Home Counseling Center contact Rev. Bonnie Tarwater, (858) 248-5123, for more information.
Contact minister Rev. Bonnie Tarwater (858) 248-5123, with prayer requests and more information. Call to schedule counseling and spiritual direction. Dream Group Thursday 5 pm PST, Centering Prayer/Lectio Divina Tuesday 9-10 am PST