Podcast Radio Interviews
In the New Story of OneEarth living, religion and science are in a new relationship. At their best, they are in a joint effort (1) to urge humans to live in interdependent relationships with all beings, (2) to reverse climate change, and (3) to break through to new social and economic systems. Of course, only some houses of worship and faith communities have yet joined in this effort. One that is led to the interview of this podcast. Glad you’re listening.
Dr. John B. Cobb is an American theologian, philosopher and environmentalist, and the preeminent scholar in process thought. He taught at the Claremont School of Theology from 1958-1990. Together with David Griffith he organized the Center for Process Studies which has growth to include centers in China and many other countries. The author of more than 50 books he was the guiding force behind the 2015 “Seizing and Alternative” conference on the contribution of a Whiteheadean worldview to the issues of climate change.
Margaret Starbird is a visionary scholar, writer and teacher on Mary Magdalene and the Divine feminine. Her many books, including The Woman with the Alabaster Jar (1993) inspired Dan Brown's book , The Da Vinci Code. She lives with her her husband of 48 years they have five grown children and nine grandchildren and she presents frequent lectures nationwide as well as international seminars and retreats honoring the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Marriage at the core of the Christian story.
Dr. Rosemary Radford Ruether is an internationally acclaimed church historian, theologian, writer, and teacher specializing in the area of women and religion. A catholic, she has been a major voice in raising a feminist critique of the traditionally male field of Christian theology. Active beginning in the early 1960s in civil rights and peace movements and, later, in the feminist movement, she is the author of 36 books and over 600 articles on feminism, eco-feminism, the Bible, and Christianity.
Stephen Aizenstat, Ph.D., is the Chancellor and Founding President of Pacifica Graduate Institute. He is a depth psychologist who offers Dream Tendingas methodologies that extend traditional dream work to the vision of an animated world where the living images in dream are experienced as embodied and originating in the psyche of Nature as well as that of persons. Heworks with the Global Dream Initiative and the Earth Charter with the United Nations.
Jyoti (Jeneane Prevatt, PhD) is an internationally renowned spiritual advisor with a PhD in Transpersonal Psychology including postgraduate study at the C.G. Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland. She is one of the founders of Kayumari, a spiritual healing community, located in locations in North America, Europe and Brazil. She is the Spiritual Director of the Center for Sacred Studies
The Great Council of the Grandmothers first appeared in 1996 as Sharon McErlane walked her dog. "The world is in grave danger," they said, "and we will not allow its destruction. For too long Yang or masculine energy, has dominated life on earth, causing feminine energy to become deficient and weak. We have come to restore Yin to full beauty/power and return the world to balance. We are calling you to this work." Sharon who lives in Laguna Beach, California is a therapist, wife, mother and artist who studied with Sai Baba in India. She has founded a world wide organization called the Net of Light and has written several books.