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Asking, Looking, Knocking, Receiving, Finding...

  • Church for Our Common Home 13014 Calle de Las Rosas San Diego, CA 92129 (map)

Welcome/ Check in(How are you feeling?)

Sharing of Invitations (see back of the order of worship)       

Invocation                      Our Dear, Dear Mother                             by   Raffi                

Our dear, dear Mother, daily provider, earth be your name. The time has come, to honor you, to know you and to show our love.” 1.You give us each day our daily grain, kissed by the sun and kissed by the rain. Teach us now to find a way to care for you in our work and play. Chorus2.Within the beauty of your silent spin, we know you’re hurting and we feel your pain. With your forgiveness we can start anew. We need a chance to make it up to you. Chorus 

One Light, One SunRaffi 1. One Light, one sun, One sun lighting everyone, One world turning, One world turning everyone.2. One world, one home, One world home for everyone, One dream, one song One song heard by everyone. 3. One love, one heart, One heart warming everyone One hope,  one joy, One love filling everyone. 

Passing of the Peace God Loves You and There is Nothing You Can Do About It

Prayer   (in unison)      Dear God, You who we call by many names, we come to give you thanks, to study scripture,  to learn to pray and to be brother sister for each other. We pray for all the refugees, 1 in every 113 people on planet earth.  May we ask, look and knock on your door  for your help to live in service to the least of these as Jesus taught.  Amen

Please share what you are grateful for in the natural world.  

Musical Response           I Went Down to the River To Pray

Prayer Requests(Please offer name and condition briefly.)  

Musical Response                       Voice Still and Small 

Voice still and small, deep inside all, I hear you call, singing. In storm and rain, sorrow and pain, still you will remain, singing, Calming my fears, squelching my tears, through all the years, singing. 

Prayer  (in unison)Our Mother Father God who is within uswe celebrate your many names. Your wisdom come.Your will be done,unfolding from 

the depths within us.Each day you give us all that we need.You remind us of our limitsand we let go. You support us in our power and we act with 

courage.For you are the dwelling place within usthe empowerment around usand the celebration among usnow and forever. Amen

Scripture Gospel of Luke 11:1-13   The Inclusive New Testament 


Reflection      Asking, Looking, Knocking/Receiving, Finding, Welcome                                           Asking and Receiving AKA HELP ME

Dear God, Help me I am spiritually and relationally starving to death.  HELP!

“How would you go about destroying community, isolating peoples from one another. Over thirty years ago Howard Snyder asked this questions and offered the following strategies: fragment family life, move people away from the neighborhoods where they grew up, set people father apart by giving them bigger houses and yards, and separate the places people work from where they live. In other words, “partition off peoples’ lives into as many worlds as possible.” To facilitate the process, get everyone their own car, Replace meaningful communications with television. And finally, cut down on family size and fill people’s homes with things instead.  The result? A post-familial, disconnected culture where self is king, relationships are thin, and individuals fend for themselves….the web’s promise of “bottomless abundance” has left millions inwardly and relationally famished.” Charles E. Moore Called to Community, The Life Jesus Wants for His People 


Dear God, You have made us your people by calling us out of the desert into fertile ground, out of slavery into freedom, out of spiritual imprisonment and isolation into love and liberation. We give you thanks. Amen

“Most Camphillers would readily agree that communities that wish to touch the world should not all “look the same.” A vital community movement must be a solid foundation in transcendent reality…..Konig was an ethnic Jew who lived in Vienna on the eve of the Holocaust, a pediatriian with a special interest in neonatal development, and a student of the spiritual science of Rudolph Steiner also known as anthroposophy. Each of these biographical  facts influenced the community movement he initiated on a rural Scottish estate named Camphill in 1940…Their experiences as refugees made it easy for them to embrace Konig’s desire to work with the handicapped children who were “ refugees from a society which did not want to accept them as part of the community.” But from the beginning the vision of Camphill was broader that the task of “curative education.” The “brotherhood” of coworkers, modeled on earlier communities… aspired to become the seed of a “new social order” rooted in the insights of Steiner’s anthroposophy. Anthroposophy can be best understood as a strand of Christian esotericism; it places primary emphasis on the inner development of spiritual knowledge and capacities rather than on such outward expression as doctrines and church institutions.” Touching the World, Christian Communities Transforming Society, Dr. Dan McKanan  

Bonnie’s Three Conversion Experiences

Knocking and Being Welcomed AKA INTENTIONAL COMMUNITY

 “Frequently a call of Jesus is revealed to us as we feel truly at home in a community and discover that the community for us is a place of growth in love and in total acceptance of the good news of Jesus.”           Jean VanierCalled to Community, The Life Jesus Wants for His People  

Bonnie’s Camphill Stories of Welcome     

Offering for church (Basket is in the dining room and we thank you for your support of this ministry)

Closing PrayerSt. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi Prayer

Make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy, And where there is sadness, joy, joy, joy. God grant that I may not so much seek; To be consoled as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we pardoned. And it is in dying that we are born, to Eternal Life. Amen, Amen, AmenCheck out              How are you feeling?

Benediction                  Blessing Song           by Miriam Therese Winters

May the blessings of God go before you. May her grace and peace abound. May her spirit live within you. May her love wrap you round. May her blessings remain with you always. May you walk on holy ground. 

Communion is our pot luck dinner at the Mary Magdalene Café. How to pray before meals at Camphill?    Hold hands and say, “May the meal be blessed.”

Invitations: Our current ecologic crisis is a call to awaken to the reverence of life and the truth that all nature is alive and sacred. As we witness the sixth extinction of life on earth, the only one created by us humans, we are invited to reclaim the ancient wisdom traditions. We are one organic, interspecies, interconnected whole.   What we do affects everyone else. Every Sunday at 5 pm we acknowledge that we need one another more than ever before . and commune with the Great  Spirit. We celebrate  the  wisdom traditions from  the East, West, indigenous peoples,  new science as we study the teachings of Jesus, Mary Magdalene,  the Bible and the newly found gnostic gospels. 

Special thanks to Jamie Long for being our AWESOME Team Leader Invitation to become a memberof Church for Our Common Home, privileges and responsibilities--A Sacred Promise of Love. Please make an appointment with Rev. Bonnie when you are interested in membership. 

Next Sunday we present the Opal Wong Award to Opal Wong.

No worship 9/22, 9/29, 10/6 or church programs while Bonnie is in China and for Korean Interfaith Ecology Conference September 16-October 7th

Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer  Contemplation of scriptures and Centering Prayer, an ancient Christian contemplative silent prayer practice, every Wednesday at 10 am. 

Monthly Taize Chanting service first Sunday of every month 

Beach worship every second Sunday at La Jolla Shores Beach  near life guard tower.

Prayer and Healing Service third Sunday

Dream Circleevery first and third Sunday before worship 3-5 pm. 

Committee on Ministrymeeting every third Sunday each month 

Sign up for our newsletter on church web site. 

Please call Rev. Bonnieif you would like a pastoral visit and/or if you would like to pray or if you have prayer requests.  (858) 248-5123.