Welcome/ Check in/Lighting of candles(How are you feeling?)
Sharing of Invitations (see back of the order of worship)
Meditation “The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off. “ Gloria Steinem
Please see handout article,August 30, 2019 ‘The Great Cost and Myth of the US Defense Spending’ by Melvin Goodman from OpEdNews online news source.
In Unison: Gracious Mother Earth, we come to give you reverence, devotion, honor and love. We ask in silence for your permission and blessing to worship you here under this tree in San Diego. SILENCE What did you hear?(Sharing)
We pray for all that is alive and growing here at Church for Our Common HomeSILENCE Amen
Our Dear, Dear Mother by Raffi
Our dear, dear Mother, daily provider, earth be your name. The time has come, to honor you, to know you and to show our love.” 1.You give us each day our daily grain, kissed by the sun and kissed by the rain. Teach us now to find a way to care for you in our work and play. Chorus2.Within the beauty of your silent spin, we know you’re hurting and we feel your pain. With your forgiveness we can start anew. We need a chance to make it up to you. Chorus
Passing of the Peace God Loves You and There is
Nothing You Can Do About It!
Taize The Narrow Path of Jesus and our church’s
12 Step Program for Ecological Civilization
Prayer (In unison)
Dear God,You who we call by many names, we come to give you thanks, devotion and reverence. We worship to gainvision and commitment in to share the new religious story of our time.(Silence)We pray for new energy and love as we make manifestour vision with our 12 Steps Program for Ecologic Civilization.(Silence)We pray for the courage to tell the truth about our personal and collective lives.(Silence)We come to confess that as Americans too often we have not had the courage to see or talk about the global catastrophe. (Silence) Our country has gone mad with greed and power and it is past time we as American face this truth.(Silence) We ask for discernment to count the costs of discipleship to follow Jesus on the narrow path. (Silence)Guide us as we give up our possessions, give to the poor and live in radical love and service. (Silence)Teach us to love our enemies as your Jesus taught us. (Silence) We pray for Church for Our Common Home that we may be a community of light in the dark terror of our time. Amen
Please share what you are grateful for that lives underground our common home Mother Earth. She who is a Living Being, with a personality!
Prayer Requests(Please offer name and condition briefly.)
Prayer (in unison)Our Mother Father God who is within uswe celebrate your many names. Your wisdom come, your will be done,unfolding from
the depths within us.Each day you give us all that we need.You remind us of our limitsand we let go. You support us in our power and we act with
courage.For you are the dwelling place within usthe empowerment around usand the celebration among usnow and forever. Amen
Offering for church (Please make your tax deductible checks out to Church for Our Common Home and the basket is in the dining room.)
Closing PrayerSt. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi Prayer
Make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy, And where there is sadness, joy, joy, joy. God grant that I may not so much seek; To be consoled as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we pardoned. And it is in dying that we are born, to Eternal Life. Amen, Amen, Amen
Check out How are you feeling?
Benediction Blessing Song by Miriam Therese Winters
May the blessings of God go before you. May her grace and peace abound. May her spirit live within you. May her love wrap you round. May her blessings remain with you always. May you walk on holy ground.
Communion is our vegetarian pot luck dinner at the Mary Magdalene Café, tonight featuring eggplant parmesan with eggplants from our garden!
Taize ChantCome and fill my heart with your peace, you the God of love are holy. Come and fill our hearts with your peace. Alleluia (Repeat)
ScriptureGospel of Luke14:25- 26 Jesus said 2000 years ago, “ Whoever comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and even life itself, cannot be my disciple.”
Reading Greta Thunberg said today on Twitter, “When haters go after your looks and differences, it means they have nowhere left to go. And then you know you’re winning! I have Aspergers and that means I’m sometimes a bit different from the norm. And - given the right circumstances- being different is a superpower.”
Chant HolySpirit come to us, kindle in us the fire of your love, Holy Spirit, come to us, Holy Spirit, come to us.”(repeat)
Reading "...living systems adapt by transforming themselves, and thus does learning happen.Real learning is not something added, it is a reorganization of the system.New nets and assemblies occur, loops form, alternate pathways develop.The viewed world is different and so is the viewer. When in the sixteenth century Copernicus and Keppler produced compelling evidence that the Earth revolved around the Sun, it was not just additional information.A revolution occurred in our experience of the world and in the ways we see and think.Now, in our time, the Gaia hypothesis -that the Earth itself is a living system- brings with it a comparable transformation in our understanding of our world and ourselves. We can recognize here the creative function of cognitive crisis. When old habitual modes of interpretation become dysfunctional, it is often painful, a dark night of the soul,but that kind of confusion can be fruitful. It motivates the system to self-organize in more inclusive ways, embracing and integrating data of which it had been previously unconscious." Joanna Macy, World as Lover, World as Self
ChantI know this rose will open. I know my fear will burn away. I know my soul will unfurl its wings. I know this rose will open. (Repeat)
Reading“We American must face the facts that we have been living in an extraordinarily evil empire…power that is diametrically opposed to divine purposes and powerful enough to threaten those purposes—we can even call the American Empire demonic.” The Christian Gospel for Americans, by David Ray Griffin
Carl Jung “Nobody is immune to nationwide evil unless s/he is unshakably convinced of the danger of his/her own character being tainted by the same evil.” “I am strongly convinced that the evil principle prevailing in this world leads the unrecognized spiritual need into perdition if it is not countered either by real religious insight or by the protective wall of human community.” Letter by Carl June to Bill Wilson founder of AA
ChantAin’tgonna let nobody, turn me round, turn me round, turn me round. Ain’t gonna let nobody, turn me round, keep on walkin’ keep on talkin’ walkin’ down freedom road.
Reading “The price we are having to pay today in the shape of the collapse of the organized church is only the inevitable consequence of our policy of making grace available to all at too low a cost. We gave away the word and sacraments wholesale, we baptized, confirmed, and absolved a whole nation without condition. Our humanitarian sentiment made us give that which was holy to the scornful and unbelieving... But the call to follow Jesus in the narrow way was hardly ever heard." Dietrich Bonhoffer, The Cost of Discipleship
Chant Our darkness is never darkness in your sight, the deepest night is clear as the daylight. (repeat)
ScriptureGospel of Luke27Whoever does not carry the cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.
Chant Come and pray in us, Holy Spirit, come and pray in us, come and visit us, Holy Spirit, Spirit come, Sprit come. (repeat)
Scripture The Gospel of Luke28For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not first sit down and estimate the cost, to see whether he has enough to complete it? 29Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it will begin to ridicule him, 30saying, ‘This fellow began to build and was not able to finish.
Chant Our God is our light, Our light and salvation, in God I trust, in God I trust. (repeat)
Reading “ Morally the demonic spirit incarnate in the Axis powers won the war The illusions has been that, in the aftermath of the Second World War, America succeeded British imperialism…But the truth is that American succeeded as Nazism—which can be symbolized and summarized in three words: war, racism, genocide.” William Stringfellowas quoted in The Christian Gospel for Americans, by David Ray Griffin
Chant O God hear my prayer, O God hear my prayer, when I call, answer me, O God hear my prayer O God hear my prayer, come and listen to me. (repeat)
ReadingDefinition of ‘status confessionis’ isLatin for “confessional status” meaning that the church should not tolerate others views on this matter. It means that this is not an indifferent matter or one on which we can agree to disagree. It means that if we are to be faithful in confessing the gospel we must confess this.. “ David Ray Griffin, wrote in, The Christian Gospel for Americans “…American creation and use of nuclear weapons to be one of the reasons to classify the American Empire as extremely demonic. As such, nuclear weapons should be declared a status confessionis. Finally, climate destruction is also extremely demonic, and is even more certain than nuclear weapons to destroy civilization. The continued burning of fossil fuels should be declared a status confessionsis by the world wide Christian Community while there is still time to prevent complete human extinction.”
ChantChrist Sophia your light shines within us. Let not my doubts nor my darkness speak to me. Christ Sophia your light shines within us. Let my heart always welcome your love. (repeat)
Scripture The Gospel of Luke. 33So therefore, none of you can become my disciple if you do not give up all your possessions.
Chant Ubi caritas et amor, ubi caritas, deus ibi est.Live in charity and steadfast love, live in charity, God will dwell in you. (repeat)
Gospel of Luke 12: 32 Do not be afraid little flock, for it has pleased your Abba to give you the kindom. Sell what you own and give money to the poorer people. Make purses for yourselves that don’t wear out—treasures that won’t fail you, in heaven that thieves can’t steal and moths can’t destroy. For wherever your treasure is, that is where your heart will be.” The Inclusive New Testament Priest for Equality
Reading"God is the great companion--the fellow-sufferer who understands." Alfred North Whitehead, Process and Reality
Chant Alleluia (repeat) We will praise you, alleluia. (repeat)
“We are in an age of healing ourselves and our planet, and that means awakening our collective mindset to a vibrational and energetic understanding of our universe. We are each called to task and it begins in our body. Her body is our body. We are not separate from Her. Our task is to feel, work through and release all that blocks love from freely flowing through us. We have so much collective grief and trauma that we carry in our root chakras and in our womb centers. As we work with loving awareness to release the fear, the rage and the grief, we will begin to feel the regeneration and flow of our Life Force as it activates our creative powers…..She teaches us to ground into our Earth and offers her intuitive and discerning gifts to help us sort and map what is needed and what will serve the whole. Her way is one of love, of caring and compassion for all living things.” Mystic Mama, in her August 2019 emailed newsletter
Chant“ Love is our mother tongue, ultimate freedom song, On lips of old and young, the breadth of life begun. Love is our mother tongue, Gaia’s communion song, In every nation sung, in every heart reborn. Love is our mother tongue.” (repeat)
Reading “12 Step Program for an Ecologic Civilization”
Chant You’ve got to live (pray, sing) so God can use you anywhere Lord anytime. (repeat)
Invitations: Our current ecologic crisis is a call to awaken to the reverence of life and the truth that all nature is alive and sacred. As we witness the sixth extinction of life on earth, the only one created by us humans, we are invited to reclaim the ancient wisdom traditions. We are one organic, interspecies, interconnected whole. What we do affects everyone else. Every Sunday at 5 pm we acknowledge that we need one another more than ever before and commune with God called by many names. We celebrate the wisdom traditions from the East, West, indigenous peoples, new science as we study the teachings of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the Bible and the newly found gnostic gospels.
We are having a membership ceremony in October date TBA of Church for Our Common Home. Please contact Rev. Bonnie when you are interested in membership.
Please consider another new source. Opednews.com
Please donateand share the link with your friends on facebook, text or email.
Here is the link http://gofundme.com/sywvn7-climate-action
Bonnie will be in China and Korea for Korean Interfaith Ecology Conference September 16-October 6th
No worship 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, while Bonnie is away.
Walt will offer Lectio Divine and Centering Prayer 9/22, 9/29, 10/6, while Bonnie is away for one hour during our worship time Sundays at 5-6 pm at his house. There will be a vegetarian pot luck immediately following.
Sept. 20 go to SanDiego350.org Global Climate Walkout: Act, take the lead, make history with Jamie Long and Greta Thunberg, contact Jamie for more info and to march together and or take Church for Our Common Home Banner?
Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer Contemplation of scriptures and Centering Prayer, an ancient Christian contemplative silent prayer practice, every Wednesday at 10 am.
Monthly Taize Chanting service first Sunday of every month
Beach worship every second Sunday at La Jolla Shores Beach near life guard tower.
Prayer and Healing Service third Sunday of the month
Dream Circleevery first and third Sunday before worship 3-5 pm.
Committee on Ministrymeeting every third Sunday each month 7 pm , and no meeting in September while Bonnie is in China.
Digital Arts Team Meeting 4thSunday after church and pot luck
Please call Rev. Bonnieif you would like a pastoral visit and/or if you would like to pray or if you have prayer requests. (858) 248-5123.