Click on this link to join worship service on your computer or smart phone: For audio only, you may call in: Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (West Coast) +1 646 558 8656 US (East Coast)
Meeting ID: 302 571 9458 One tap mobile +16699009128,,3025719458# US (West Coast) +16465588656,,3025719458# US (East Coast) Meeting ID: 302 571 9458 Find your local number: (Email Martha at with any Zoom questions.)
Lighting of Candles/ Welcome/ Check in (How are you feeling?)
Sharing of Invitations (see back of order of worship)
Share 12 Step Program and Traditions for Ecologic Civilization (see insert)
Invocation Mother Earth our Home, to you we sing, warm is your womb, wide is your wing, in you we live, move and are fed, sweet flowing milk, life giving bread. Mother Earth our home, to you we bring, all broken hearts, all broken wings. Our dear, dear Mother, daily provider, earth be your name the time has come to honor to know you and to show our love.
Passing of the Peace God Loves You and There is Nothing You Can Do About It
Musical Response Eternal Our God (call and response)
Scripture Gospel of Matthew 26:6-13 Now when Jesus was in Bethany, at the house of Simon, who had leprosy, a woman approached Jesus with an alabaster jar of very expensive ointment. She poured it on his head while he reclined at the table. The disciples, witnessing this, were indignant. “What a waste!” they said. “This could have been sold at a high price, and the money given to needier people.” Jesus, aware of their concern, said, “Why do you upset the woman? She has done me a good deed. You’ll always have poor people with you, but you won’t always have me. When she poured the oil on my body, she was preparing me for burial. The truth is, wherever the Good News is proclaimed in the world, she will be remembered for what she has done for me. The Inclusive Bible: The First Egalitarian Translation"
Reflection Anointed In Gods Love for Healing
Lent Week 3 God Works To Heal, Biodynamic Principle 3 Animal Life
God Can’t God Can't: How to Believe in God and Love after Tragedy, Abuse, and Other Evils" by Thomas R. Oord
Musical Offering There is Balm in Gilead…to make the wounded whole, there is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin sick soul.
Prayer Dear God, you who we call by many names, We give thanks for every breath we take and the miracle of life and all those who have loved us into being. In silence we name those we are grateful for making our lives possible. (Silence) We bring you our fear in this time of global crisis and ask you to anoint us in courage. (Silence) We ask for to our interspecies, interconnected web of life and what we do to one creature, we do to all. (Silence) We pray for our loved ones and name them silently. (Silence) We pray for everyone who is sick and alone, both human and non-human and ask for you to anoint them in your love. (Silence) We pray for the animals, the cats and bats, ant eaters and peacocks, fish and fire flies and extraordinary animal diversity on earth. We rejoice in our creatureliness and interspecies love. (Silence) We pray for all the nurses, doctors and care givers of all kinds in this time of global need who work in danger tirelessly and in steadfast love. (Silence) We pray for Church for Our Common Home that we may anoint one another and all those we serve in love. (Silence) We pray for our enemies as Jesus taught us. (Silence) May we follow in the ways of Mary Magdalene and ask for you, Holy One to anoint us in your love. Amen
Prayer Requests (Please contact Bonnie (858) 248-5123)
Prayer (in unison) Our Mother Father God who is within us we celebrate your many names. Your wisdom come. Your will be done, unfolding from the depths within us. Each day you give us all that we need. You remind us of our limits and we let go. You support us in our power and we act with courage. For you are the dwelling place within us the empowerment around us and the celebration among us now and forever. Amen
Anointing and Guided Meditation Anoint Me in Your Love
Offering for the church (tax deductible donations taken on pay pal, check etc.)
Closing Prayer St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi Prayer
God grant that I may not so much seek; To be consoled as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we pardoned. And it is in dying that we are born, to Eternal Life. Amen, Amen, Amen
Check out How are you feeling?
Benediction Blessing Song by Miriam Therese Winters
May the blessings of God go before you. May her grace and peace abound. May her spirit live within you. May her love wrap you round. May her blessings remain with you always. May you walk on holy ground.
DANCING IN OUR CHAIRS if we have to!
Mary Magdalene Café: Our pot luck dinner is our holy communion
Lenten Program
5 pm Sundays, March 1st to Easter, April 12!
Book study and conversation
God Can’t How to believe in God and love after tragedy, abuse or other evils.
by Thomas J. Oord,
Intro available on
Each week will intertwine the 6 principles of biodynamic farming;
Week 1. Plant diversity Week 2. Crop rotation Week 3. Animal life
Week 4. Composting 5. Week homeopathic solutions Week 6. Life forces
3/1 Chapter 1 God Can’t Prevent Evil
3/8 Chapter 2 God Feels Our Pain
3/15 Chapter 3 God Works to Heal
3/22 Chapter 4 God Squeezes Good from Bad
3/29 Chapter 5 God Needs Our Cooperation
4/5 Conclusion and organic whole of all ideas about God.
4/12 Easter sunrise worship7 am followed by a CELEBRATION breakfast at the Mary Magdalene Cafe
Invitations: Our current ecologic crisis is a call to awaken to the reverence of life and the truth that all nature is alive and sacred. As we witness the sixth extinction of life on earth, the only one created by us humans, we are invited to reclaim the ancient wisdom traditions. We are one organic, interspecies, interconnected whole. What we do affects everyone else. Every Sunday at 5 pm we acknowledge that we need one another more than ever before and commune with God called by many names. We celebrate the wisdom traditions from the East, West, indigenous peoples, new science as we study the teachings of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the Bible and the newly found gnostic gospels.
Lenten Program5 pm Sundays, March 1st to Easter, April 12 Book study and conversation God Can’t How to believe in God and love after tragedy, abuse or other evils. by Thomas J. Oord, Intro available on Each week will intertwine the 6 principles of biodynamic farming with chapter themes etc.
Please come visit 15435 Strong Road, Dallas, OR 97338
Biodynamic Farming audio resources, Rudolph Steiner lectures
Please send Zoom link to friends and family.
Change in prayer requests during worship. Please send by email or during worship by chat during worship.
Committee on Ministry 3rd Sunday on Zoom 3:30-4:30 pm
Click on this link to join worship service on your computer or smart phone: For audio only, you may call in: Dial by your location +1 669 900 9128 US (West Coast) +1 646 558 8656 US (East Coast)
Meeting ID: 302 571 9458 One tap mobile +16699009128,,3025719458# US (West Coast) +16465588656,,3025719458# US (East Coast) Meeting ID: 302 571 9458 Find your local number: (Email Martha at with any Zoom questions.)
Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer Contemplation of scriptures and Centering Prayer is an ancient Christian contemplative silent prayer practice, TBA
Monthly Taize Chanting service first Sunday of every month
Prayer and Healing Service third Sunday of the month.
Dream Circle Time is undecided at this time
Please call Rev. Bonnie if you would like a pastoral visit and/or if you would like to pray or if you have prayer requests. (858) 248-5123.