Welcome and Lighting of Candles
Sharing of Invitations (see back cover) Introduction of Adopted Grandson
Reading 12 Step Program for an Ecologic Civilization (see insert)
Martha Garcia’s Public Health Report
Invocation Medley with Raffi, Miriam Therese Winters music
Mother Earth our Home, to you we sing, warm is your womb, wide is your wing, in you we live, move and are fed, sweet flowing milk, life giving bread. Mother Earth our home, to you we bring, all broken hearts, all broken wings.
Chorus Our dear, dear Mother, daily provider, earth be your name the time has come to honor you to know you and to show our love. You give us each day our daily grain kissed by the sun and kissed by the rain. Teach us now to find a way to care for you in our work and play. Chorus
Passing of the Peace (Unmute and share greetings)
God Loves You and There is Nothing You Can Do About It!
Opening Hymn Once Upon a Dream Mary Costa and Bill
I know you I walked with you once upon a dream. I know you the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam, yet I know it’s true that visions are seldom all they seem, but if I know you, I know what you will do, you’ll love me at once the way you did once, upon a dream.
Scripture Gospel of John 14:21”…and whoever loves me will be loved by Abba/Amma God and I will love and reveal myself to them.”
Hildegard Reading of Visions Book of Divine Works, First Vision, Vision One “And I saw within the mystery of God, in the midst of the southern breezes, a wondrous beautiful image. It had a human form, and its countenance was of such beauty and radiance that I could have more easily gazed at the sun than at that face. A broad golden ring circled its head. In this ring above the head there appeared a second countenance, like that of an elderly man, its chin and beard resting on the crown of the first head. On both sides of the figure a wing grew out of the shoulders, The wings rose above the above mentioned ring and were joined there. At the topmost part of the right wing’s curve appeared an eagles head. Its eyes were like fire, and in them the brilliance of angels streamed forth as in mirrors. On the topmost part of the left wing’s curve was a human head, which shone like the gleaming of the stars. Both of the faces were turned to the east. From the shoulders of the figure a wing extended to its knees. The figure was wrapped in a parchment that shone like a brilliant day. The figures feet trod upon a monster of dreadful appearance, poisons and black, and a serpent which had fastened its teeth onto the monsters right ear. Its body was wound obliquely across the monster head; its tail extended on the left side as far as the feet. “
Reflection Hildegard’s Visions of the Divine Feminine;
Caritas aka as Love Rev. Bonnie
Break Out Groups Do you believe and or have you experienced visions or near death experiences?
Prayers Please pray for Tess a chaplain exposed to Covid 19 and all chaplains during Covid 19
(Please unmute and share names all together as we ring bell.)
Silent Prayer for Mother Earth and the John Cobb Farm
Musical response Our God is our light, our light and salvation, in God I trust, in God I trust. (repeat)
Prayer (in unison) Our Mother Father God who is within us we celebrate your many names. Your wisdom come. Your will be done, unfolding from the depths within us. Each day you give us all that we need. You remind us of limits and we let go. You support us in our power and we act with courage. For you are the dwelling place within us the empowerment around us and the celebration among us now and forever. Amen by Miriam Therese Winters
(Please contact Rev. Bonnie with prayer requests during the week.)
Closing Dance! This Little Light of Mine adapted
This little light of mine, I’m gonna make it shine…..
This little dance of mine, dancing with God all the time……….
This little vision I see, God’s gift to you and me…..
This little dream of mine, it’s gonna be my guide….
Offering for the church (Tax deductible donations: Pay Pal, check or credit card )
Closing Prayer attributed to St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi Prayer
God grant that I may not so much seek; To be consoled as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we pardoned. And it is in dying that we are born, to Eternal Life. Amen, Amen, Amen
in a parchment that shone like a brilliant day. The figures feet trod upon a monster of dreadful appearance, poisons and black, and a serpent which had fastened its teeth onto the monsters right ear. Its body was wound obliquely across the monster head; its tail extended on the left side as far as the feet. “
Reflection Hildegard’s Visions of the Divine Feminine;
Caritas aka as Love Rev. Bonnie
Break Out Groups Do you believe and or have you experienced visions or near death experiences?
Prayers Please pray for Tess a chaplain exposed to Covid 19 and all chaplains during Covid 19
(Please unmute and share names all together as we ring bell.)
Silent Prayer for Mother Earth and the John Cobb Farm
Musical response Our God is our light, our light and salvation, in God I trust, in God I trust. (repeat)
Prayer (in unison) Our Mother Father God who is within us we celebrate your many names. Your wisdom come. Your will be done, unfolding from the depths within us. Each day you give us all that we need. You remind us of limits and we let go. You support us in our power and we act with courage. For you are the dwelling place within us the empowerment around us and the celebration among us now and forever. Amen by Miriam Therese Winters
(Please contact Rev. Bonnie with prayer requests during the week.)
Closing Dance! This Little Light of Mine adapted
This little light of mine, I’m gonna make it shine…..
This little dance of mine, dancing with God all the time……….
This little vision I see, God’s gift to you and me…..
This little dream of mine, it’s gonna be my guide….
Offering for the church (Tax deductible donations: Pay Pal, check or credit card )
Closing Prayer attributed to St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi Prayer
God grant that I may not so much seek; To be consoled as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we pardoned. And it is in dying that we are born, to Eternal Life. Amen, Amen, Amen
Check out after Benediction Please stay for a time to share how you are feeling.
Musical Benediction Blessing Song by Miriam Therese Winters
May the blessings of God go before you. May her grace and peace abound. May her spirit live within you. May her love wrap you round. May her blessings remain with you always. May you walk on holy.
“12 Step program for an Ecologic Civilization”
Church For Our Common Home is God centered and guided and is dedicated to the Earth, Loving Community, Beauty and the Arts. Our vision is to create an artistic ecologic church to love and pray for Mother Earth and the John Cobb biodynamic farm. We work for an Ecologic Civilization with our 12 step program.
1. Share the truth that the current 6th extinction of life on Earth, the only one created by humans, is an invitation for transformation as a human species.
2. Share the history and human habits of dominant over relationships and commit to relationships of collaboration, partnership and co-creativity.
3. Make amends for our alienation and abuse of the natural world and our idolatry of scientism and rationalism using transdisciplinary reconnections of religion, art, psychology, ecology, etc.
4. Explore eco-feminist and process theology, celebrating God and Goddess language, symbols and relationships.
5. Study the teachings of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, including newly found gnostic scriptures and the world’s ancient wisdom traditions.
6. Offer diverse spiritual practices to develop loving relationships with the natural world, Mother Earth and all creation.
7. Honor the invisible realms of dreams, prayer, intuition, parapsychology and imagination.
8. Celebrate the visual and performing arts, ritual making, beauty and creativity as divine spiritual practice.
9. Celebrate intergenerational community by intentionally including and honoring the very young and old.
10. Encourage consciousness raising with integration of body, sexuality, mind, spirit, feelings, intuition and imagination.
11. Work for social justice locally and globally in partnership with other organizations.
12. Experiment with nontraditional church in order to create relevant, spirit filled and loving community.
Invitations: Our current ecologic crisis is a call to awaken to the reverence of life and the truth that all nature is alive, sacred and our earth is one organic whole. As we witness the sixth extinction of life on earth, the only one created by us humans, we are invited to reclaim the ancient wisdom traditions. We are an interspecies, interconnected whole. What we do affects everyone else. Every Sunday at 5 pm we acknowledge that we need one another more than ever before and commune with God called by many names. We celebrate the wisdom traditions from the East, West, indigenous peoples, new science as we study the teachings of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the Bible as well as newly found gnostic gospels.
New Book Group Forming Hildegard of Bingen and Her Visions of the Feminine by Nancy Fierro and Matthew Fox’s Commentary of The Book of Illuminations by Hildegard, please contact Bonnie if you are interested.
Dream Group every Wednesday 7-8:30 pm on Zoom
Lectio Divina/ Centering Prayer Tuesday 9-10 am forming on Zoom
Biodynamic Farming audio resources, Rudolph Steiner lectures http://rudolfsteiner.podbean.com/category/agriculture/
(Contact Martha at martygarcia@cox.net with any Zoom questions.)
Lectio Divina-Contemplation of scriptures
Centering Prayer- ancient Christian contemplative silent prayer practice.
Monthly Taize Chanting service first Sunday of every month
Prayer and Healing Service third Sunday of the month.
Committee on Ministry 3rd Sunday
Please contact Rev. Bonnie if you would like a pastoral visit on Zoom or phone and/or if you would like to pray or if you have prayer requests.