Sermon August 5,2012 “ Whale Hearts as Big as a Car”
Jonah 1:1-3, 2:1-10
Matthew 25:44-45 44 Then they also will answer, “Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?”45 Then he will answer them, “Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.”
1.Dr. of M. dreams, creative arts, process theology. Whale dreams
Green whale, googled, Green Peace The blue whales of the Antarctic are at less than 1% of their original abundance. West Pacific grey whale populations are the most endangered of the world's great whales, hovering on the edge of extinction with just over 100 remaining.
And, endangered whales have many obstacles to face in these modern times—global warming, pollution, ocean acidification, noise and ship strikes. Overfishing threatens their food supply and hundreds of whales are entangled in fishing gear every year. They have been here 15 million years before humans
2. Jesus teaching to do onto the least of these may be our most important lesson to learn as a human species. We must see the power over relationship we have had with all the creatures on earth recognize the unconscious harm we have done and make amends. and learn to be sensitive to their needs.
Blue whales are so massive their hearts are as big as a car.
3. Spiritual practice is to grow our human hearts as big as a whales
“The way we ignore suffering of others is the way we ignore the suffering in themselves. The way we grow heart as big as whales for our own suffering equals our ability to have hearts as big as whale hearts for other and their suffering.”
Growing hearts as big as the blue whale is the only hope we have.
Learn to have compassion for ourselves in order to have compassion for others.
Story of Jonah and the whale is about an ordinary man just like you and me who lives in a culture where wicked things are happen in Nineveh.
God calls him/says no thanks/ sea eaten 3 days in pain suffering of being in the pit. Jonah has to experience his own suffering and experience the love of God in order to love himself. The force of this love lands him being spit out onto the beach.
“The way we ignore suffering of others is the way we ignore the suffering in themselves. The way we grow heart as big as whales for our own suffering equals our ability to have hearts as big as whale hearts for other and their suffering.”
Our bible stories are not to be taken literally. The power of story is in their symbolic nature. Learning and teaching from stories is what Jesus did and what we continue to need. Facts and rationalism will not teach us how to have compassion for our own suffering. Imagining being in the stomach of a whale symbolically works on our souls and hearts and if we allow ourselves to feel Jonah’s pain the pain of the wicked in Nineveh than we can also experience the miracle of Gods love for us and that we are not alone in our suffering any more than Jonah was.
Modern day story of the wickedness like Nineveh is Penn State where many children were raped and no one came to their rescue. They experience the three days of hell inside the stomach of the whale.
God is calling me to preach about the least of these the most ignored the least powerful the children at Penn state
SO who are the least of these today, at Penn State? The children.
Yes, children who are the least powerful, the most often to suffer from power over relationships with no one to stand up for them.
“The way we ignore suffering of others is the way we ignore the suffering in themselves. The way we grow heart as big as whales for our own suffering equals our ability to have hearts as big as whale hearts for other and their suffering.”
All of us are called by God and Jesus and the story of Jonah and the Whale to stand with children or who ever is the least of these. Unless we treat all children as if they were our own war is near.
Jonah story of a man who flees his mission because it feels overwhelmingly difficult.
The fish has always been associated with the Christ, a symbol of the holy. fish live in the sea under the water, they are out of sight symbolically just like God, but they are certainly there just as God is most certainly there. Whale a BIG fish but also like us a mammals because it breaths air.
Dreams about whales and they are to me a symbol of symbol of my original Self before the bruises and hardships of recent times. These whales have surfaced to show that my divine Self is alive and “whale.” Whales are coming out of the waters of my unconscious depths emerging in the present, returning me to my faith. After the dark recent passage these whales guide me to regain my stability. The whales I see in the bright sunny day in my dreams are a sighting of power and hope.
But only because I have experience the pit the terror of being in the belly fo the whale and have done unto the this part of myself.
Today I ask you to consider the most vulnerable you when you were a child. Hopefully you were never sexually raped although the statistic are hair raising 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 boys. Whatever your traumas as children Jesus and God stand in solidary with you now and then.
Possible Sermon title” Jonah, Jesus, Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno “
Tired of stories with so many men in it. Good or bad sometimes I just like to add a story about a woman. Whale rider movie
Whale Rider On the east coast of New Zealand, where their religious story about a whale is about Paikea who rode a whale to New Zealand from Hawaii. The first-born, always male, have been considered Paikea's direct descendants, but Pai, an 11-year-old girl in longs to study religion. Pai calls the whales to help her and they come but they become beached whales and begin to die because they are not n the water. So she gets on the back of the largest whale and the whale and Pai the whale rider lead the entire pod back into the sea. She almost d drowns in the process but she is found also on the beach and the story ends with the village giving up their wicked ways by communing with their ancestors and being co creators with the sea and the divine.
One of the most powerful scenes in the movies is when she has invited her grandfather to a school program where she has been asked to perform her award winning presentation about their people and religion and he does not come.
She weeps all through the program.
She weeps for herself and how she has been, rejected, mistreated. Like Jonah she is in the pit of despair she has been swallowed like Jonah and experiences the deep suffering that none of us can escape in this life. She has a witness her grandmother and many psychologist have written about the strength children have of surviving trauma if they at least one witness who knew the way they were treated was not OK.
I got upset when one of my colleagues said something about the children’s lives being ruined. That is not the message of Jesus of Christianity. The message is that when ever we suffer injustice we are not alone, God, and Jesus and Jonah and the whale rider stand with us and we can resurrect after any torture. Love is more powerful than any torture and even death.
stories like Jonah, like Easter and the resurrection are about the real pain of life and feeling it and being in the community of saints who are always with us.
Jonah is spit out on the beach and lives, the whale rider Paika and the new young girl both are taken to shore by the WHALE the divine symbol who has been here 15 million years before humans got here. God who is the creative force and potential of the universe is always with more vast than all the whales who have ever been. This God of infinite size who lives through out galaxies and within every cell of our body yearning for us to go to Nineveh to not ignore the wickedness of our life, our culture but to stand in solidarity with whoever is being raped, to stand up for ourselves when and if we are raped, or dishonored in any way.
But the whale riders strength just like Jonah’s is that she is honest about how much suffering she is in. In her case how much pain she feels from so much rejection and Jonah who is in the pit the stomach of the whale, from turning away from Gods call, that is shoel, hell on earth because he has not chosen to follow the will of God. The whale rider experiences the hell of being powerless.
The whale rider calls upon the spirits of her ancestors and all of the spirits of the whales to help her. No different than the CHRIST, calling upon the CHRIST. We call upon the spirits of our ancestors, Jonah, Jesus, the whalerider and all those leaders and teachers who have felt their own pain so they can feel for others.
Jesus our teacher taught us that life is not about, not fame, or being a celebrity, or having statues of us on college campuses, The meaning of our lives is not multi million dollar sports programs, not being winners or being the most powerful. The meaning in our lives is directly equal to our developing whale hearts as big as cars.
I had a dream on the March 18, 11 full moon I entitles “Whale Rider”
The gestalt idea of dreams is that everything we dream is ourselves. So imagine my dream with me that all the aspects of this dream are really you.
“I am in the front seat in the passenger seat of the car and a woman is driving I do not know who she is and I do not look at her or in any case I do not know what she looks like. We are parked looking at the ocean and looking out and we see a huge beautiful whale swimming south. I see his spout and his black skin and barnacles. He is but then I realize he is not just big he is bigger than a house and he keeps coming and he is as big as a sky scrapper. He keeps coming in and out of the water swimming and I love him. The woman drive the car on top of the water and I am scared and can’t figure out what she is doing. Then I realize she is driving onto the whales tail. The whale seems to know we are there and is clearly careful not to tip us over. The whale is giving us a ride going south and we are riding in the car on his tail.”
Our religious and spiritual journey is like that. The car in the dream landscape is the way we get around in the world. “The way we ignore suffering of others is the way we ignore the suffering in themselves. The way we grow heart as big as whales for our own suffering equals our ability to have hearts as big as whale hearts for other and their suffering.”
I am being driven in my dream by a woman I don’t really know that well, and she is guiding me as surely as the holy one guided, Jesus and Jonah and the whale rider into the depths of our unconscious where we are never alone, where we are aware of our own free will, where we grow hearts as big as whale hearts to re-parent ourselves, to do the inner child work, to heal all those parts ourselves that were traumatized and may be stuck with little to no feeling. IN order to save the whales and our planet we will have to do the daily spiritual practice to loving the least of these the most ignored part of ourselves in order to grow hearts large enough to save others.
“The way we ignore suffering of others is the way we ignore the suffering in themselves. The way we grow heart as big as whales for our own suffering equals our ability to have hearts as big as whale hearts for other and their suffering.”
1 out of 3 girls and 1 out of 5 boys have been sexually abused.
One day I was listening to the radio about Joe and Jerry and Penn state and I heard a story so upsetting I had to turn off the radio when I was driving on the freeway. Even the janitors who knew Jerry was raping children did nothing.
Rich and poor, black or white, ed or uneducated our religious work and spiritual practice is the same to follow the parable of Jesus
Read Matthew 25:44-45
“I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, I was homeless and you gave me a room, I was shivering and you gave me clothes, I was sick and you stopped to visit, I was in prisons and you came to me. Then those sheep are going to say, ‘Jesus what are you talking about? When did we ever see you hungry and feed you, thirsty and give you drink? And when did we ever see you sick or in prison and come to you? Then Jesus said, “I am telling the solemn truth “Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored, (whenever you did unto the least of these that was me—you did it to me.”
Inside the whale is God is there , riding the whale is God is with us. God is in the RELATIONSHIP of how we love the most ignored overlooked, the least powerful. In our relationships with children and whales.
Close with a mediation to visualize a new way of getting around in the world. Drive around in a green car with red upholstery filled with the red passionate blood of interconnections. We really are blood relatives with the whales whale riding with our divine mother father God
“The way we ignore suffering of others is the way we ignore the suffering in themselves. The way we grow heart as big as whales for our own suffering equals our ability to have hearts as big as whale hearts for other and their suffering.”
Begin in red base of our spin, move etc to green heart, green car red upholstery red blood of passion. Lets ride with the whales the animal instinct of our unconsciousness that like the Christ is a huge fish always under the water even when we cannot see it with our open eyes.
We pray that we feel the hunger and thirst and suffering of our own lives and love those parts that have been ignored in order that we grow hearts to save the whales the children and all those who cannot get help without us being fully awake and ready to drive around in our world in a different kind of car. May how we get around in the world take us to the depths of our own suffering in order to feel the pain of others in order to save the whales save the seas save the children. AMEN