Dear Earthlings,
Dr. John B. Cobb Jr. will be preaching on Zoom at Church for Our Common Home Sunday, April 26th at 5 pm Pacific Standard Time in honor of Earth Day!
Dr. Cobb Jr. is a planetary treasure and THE prophet we need to preach and teach us in honor of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day 2020! He is an environmentalist, philosopher, theologian and the best ambassador for Christianity and religion of anyone I have ever known of or met personally, this side of my imaginary meetings with Jesus. . . He has worked tirelessly for decades sounding the alarm about the harm and destruction humans have inflicted on life on earth and its consequences. He calls us internationally and locally to plant seeds for a new organic "Ecological Civilization." On April 26th Cob will preach about "Competition and Cooperation" reflecting on "individualism and community and addressing the radical changes we need without which there is no hope for the human future." Dr. Cobb is 95 years young and he inspires all of us to continue to work with him faithfully and for all creatures in cooperation and love. He is currently teaching a webinar with over one thousand of us students around the world on Whitehead's organic philosophy and his book, Process and Reality. This webinar is facilitated by Dr. Tripp Fuller of HomeBrewed Community . Fuller is currently teaching at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.
To join Zoom Church go to church website
and click on Zoom link using the password of ten 9's or contact Rev. Bonnie Tarwater (858) 248-5123, to receive an email reminder and link.
Church for Our Common Home is a "Home Church" and counseling center, God centered and guided that offers worship and programs online and in person, caring for the Earth, creating Loving Community and celebrating Beauty and the Arts. We have recently relocated to a 5 acre small farm in Dallas, Oregon to begin biodynamic farming and we are expanding our ministry to create an artistic church to pray for our common home, Gaia, aka Mother Earth. The below photo is a creation y the artist Jim Hubble's that I offer to you for your imagination as we plant seeds to imagine an artistic sacred place to pray for the Earth.
This Earth Day we ask you to plant seeds in your imagination of cooperation as we create a sacred space together of beauty and love for us humans, animals, plants and all creatures on this home planet we share. What will our church look like? What kinds of prayers and music and art will we make? Who will come to be served and loved? What do you see in your mind's eye, what kind of mental movie do you experience when you daydream and night dream of a beautiful sacred place to pray and honor the earth? Please send us drawings or written ideas and begin doing meditations with us this Earth Day week of celebration and beyond.We begin a week long Earth Day celebration this Sunday, April 19th! Please bring two things to worship- a seed and small amount of oil- both that you will find in your home. The seed can be from an apple or bean or mustard seed weed etc. The oil can be any kind of cooking oil or lotion or even your own spit. We will begin meditations with a seed this Earth Day week beginning on this Sunday April 19t. We will do an anointing ritual this Sunday as a blessing of seeds of hope, love, beauty and cooperation.
Mid week on Earth Day, Wednesday April 22 at 3 pm, we will have a ceremony here in Oregon with our local neighbors (all standing at least 6 feet apart) to bless the land, our local neighborhood and our common home Mother Earth. We will make a lot of noise with pots and pans, trumpets, bells or your own voice. We will offer these vibrations of celebration of music and sound to the God of Love who we love with all our hearts minds and souls as we commit to love our neighbors as an extension of ourselves. You are welcome to join us where ever you are on planet earth.
We will also ring our gorgeous new church bell made by our inspired and generous neighbor Brooks, a very talented artist and craftsman who made the bell and totem. We will ring the bell and ask for God's blessings and ask the Holy Spirit to bless our seeds of new vision and commitment to love and honor our common home Planet Earth.
As soon as it is safe we will resume church and counseling in person, including weekly pot lucks and dancing at the Mary Magdalene Cafe following weekly worship Sunday evenings, 15435 Strong Road, Dallas, Oregon 97338. We are less than a 30 minute drive from Salem, Oregon and about an hour south of Portland. Before we are able to safely gather in person we are meeting on the internet, phone and are together as we unite in our hearts and spirits in prayer!
Zoom Church, Dream Group Lectio Divina/Centering Prayer Three weekly Zoom programs to provide support during this time of global crisis and isolation. Zoom worship, weekly Sunday 5 pm PST Dream Group, Wednesday 7-8:30 pm PST for during collective crisis dreams often become very powerful and meaningful. Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer Group Tuesday 9 am PST change from 10 am. Sending love, Rev. Bonnie Tarwater Minister Church for Our Common Home Co-President of UUSCM Community Minister First UU Church of SD