Dear Earthlings,
Please pray for our beloved Walt Rutherford who is having heart by pass surgery tomorrow Saturday, May 21st. We are confident in Walt's doctors and their extraordinary genius and ask for prayers for the excellent medical team at the Salem Hospital. Walt is in good spirits and his beautiful heart calls out for your love and healing prayers. I am taking a six week leave of absence from my commitments with Church for Our Common Home to care for him and will resume work with the church the week of July 5th. Sunday worship at Church for Our Common Home will begin again on July 10th, 4 pm pst in person in the barn and on Zoom. Please contact me with any questions and thank you for your prayers and understanding about my leave of absence
Matthew the goat is seen here in the photo admiring Nancy Mahoney's beautiful painting she graciously gifted us for the Fourth Tree Prayer Station. Here we call upon the Spirits of Celtic Spirituality, St. Brigit, the triple Goddesses of pre Christianity, as we honor the women healers of Europe murdered in genocide as "witches." May they be with us as we pray for our common home, Mother Earth,
The Secret Prayer Garden is our Living Rosary and like the Catholic tradition of the Stations of the Cross we of tell the story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Mother Earth with our visions of ecological civilization as the new resurrection story. Each Tree Prayer Station asks for prayers for life forms here on our common home, water, soil, animals, plants etc. wrapped in prayers of gratitude and love. This station invites prayers for the miracle of WATER! Located next to a creek and a water well, it sits in a pasture often muddy and saturated with water. The miracle that is water makes up 40-75 percent of our own bodies and about 70 percent of Mother Earth. While praying for water we experince our interconnected web of life within and everywhere here on our common home. We nurse our Holy Mama who breasts feeds us for LIFE as we drink and commune with her daily! We pray to develop the Fruit of the Spirit of Patience at this Tree Prayer Station.
The Living Earth Movement (LEM) invites you to our fourth Thursday of every month meeting next week, May 26th, 1 pm pst on Zoom with a talk from David Korten, an author best know for his brilliant book, When Corporations Rule the World. A former professor at Harvard he serves on our LEM board ns he and Rev. Jeff Wells will share conversation and we look forward to also sharing conversation with you. Please sign up to receive the LEM mailings and Zoom links or go to the LEM web site and scroll down on home page for Zoom links.
Also please join a new small group of LEM, Earthful Faith a support group that takes time for brainstorm ideas about how to best engage religious people in the global LEM. We call the worlds religious people to step up in leadership with Dr. John Cobb who has written a brilliant new Christian curriculum. The Earthful Faith Group is developing a plan to involve American Christians and people around the world to join us. Please find a draft of this proufound latest book by Dr. Cobb on the Church for Our Common Home website, Sharing our feelings about the ecologic crisis, coupled with brainstorming and exploring ideas and sharing resources we are responding to our crisis in creative and radically love new ways, in beloved community. Please join this exciting new religion that has grown out of the LEM. You are invited Thursdays, June 2nd and 30th, 3 pm pst on Zoom. There will be a Zoom link on the Living Earth Movement website or contact me for more information.
From my heart to your heart in love,
Rev. Bonnie
P. S. We welcome the three Mother sheep and their four baby lambs who have come to live with us here at the John Cobb Eco Farm.