WISDOM WILL WORKSHOP in the Barn! Come share your life story as we invite you to create a Wisdom Will for future generations. We will begin with a historical overview of ethical or wisdom wills in the Bible as well as an overview of modern resources, books and websites. Writing prompts and small group sharing promise an experiential workshop of depth, meaning and intimacy. What are the most meaningful stories, experiences and wisdom of your life you want to share with future generations? Exploring the benefits of written wills versus video wills, we will also offer support and future gatherings to assure your completion of your own Wisdom Will. Great for Christmas gifts for your children, grandchildren, friends and future generations. Suggested reading, Dr. Ranger’s Wisdom Will, Audacity to Live, Memories of a ‘Why-Not’ Woman, available on Amazon.
We prepare for our death affirming our sacred life as we sing and break bread together. Vegetarian lunch in the rose garden with quiche made form our beloved chickens who gift us with eggs and salad from our biodynamic vegetable garden.
Come for the great honor to meet Dr. Ranger who has her doctorate in Hebrew Scriptures and did her research on the Wisdom Literature of the Bible. Since the Bible is the primary document of the Faith for Jews and Christians, it is important to her that people read this document with reverence and with a readiness to explore through its imagery and metaphors “the language of God’s Love for all persons.” Her friends and family members celebrated in many different churches: Roman Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, Methodist, Buddhist, to name a few. High school and college friends represented diverse religions and cultures: Native American, Black, Asian, Thai, and Indian. Sharing in beliefs, spiritual practices, worship services, family rituals, and meals were enriching experiences for her. She went on to study Scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and other world religions–as well as their Systematic, Liturgical, and Spiritual Theologies. She has traveled in all but seven States, and in Canada, Italy, Greece, Ireland, Turkey, France, England, Peru, Caribbean, Mexico, and Vietnam–experiences that have taught her to honor diversity in Religious Traditions, rituals, cultures, educational backgrounds, professions, gender, age, sexual orientation, economic status, etc. She is convinced that people can reach out to learn about the richness of Traditions other than their own–only to know and love their own Traditions more fully. She is a cradle Catholic and has a great love for the Church and all of us pilgrim people who cherish and live zealously our “universal call to Holiness.” Her passion is Interfaith Dialogue. She has been honored by Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon, and has completed a first draft of the History of Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon.
She has taught Scripture Studies, Theological Studies, Liturgy, and Spirituality to high school students, lay congregants, and B.A., M.A., M.Div., and D. Min. students at Marylhurst University, Mt. Angel Seminary, George Fox University, St. Mary’s Seminary in Baltimore, San Francisco Theological Seminary, and Clark Community College.
Suggested donation $ 25-100 or whatever you can afford.
Reservations needed with limited retreat stays available for the Wisdom Will Workshop at the Secret Garden Retreat Center. Camping also available.
Please bring your family and friends and join us for music, wisdom, food, and friendship this summer to all three special events!
With love from the hearts and spirits of all us creatures here at the John Cobb Eco Farm and Secret Garden Retreat Center,
Rev. Bonnie Tarwater
P.S. Tours of the Interfaith Secret Prayer Garden inviting prayers for the Earth available by appointment.