"Come Sing and Pray in the Flames!" War, genocide, fascism, hurricanes, fires... Daniel tells the story that is a story and metaphor we need for this unprecedented historic time. The corrupt King demanded the people worship the idol of gold/money and Empire. Three people refused and the King tried to kill them by throwing them into the fire. They sang sacred songs of prayers in the flames and they did not burn or die! Love is stronger than torture and death is our life guiding story of the heart. When we sing, we pray twice. Singing together is our resistance as we join in small groups and reach out together to our higher power aka God called by many names. ECSG's are small groups of three, seven or more. We share our deepest feelings and thoughts, share a meal and we SING and pray together. The vibrations of music connect us to one another and the Spirit called by many names during these painful and terrifying times.
Join us this Saturday 10/19/ 24
NEW TIME 12 noon
Interfaith Prayer and
Song Vigil for Peace
"Come Sing and Pray in the Flames!" Come support Peace on earth and join the FREE GAZA protest in Corvallis Oregon in front of the courthouse. When we sing, we pray twice! We have tried different times and this Saturday we will sing and pray at high noon. Call with questions.