Meditation "Welcome/ Check in (How are you feeling?)
Sharing of Invitations (see back of the order of worship)
Reading of Church vision “12 Step Program for Ecologic Civilization”
Invocation Our Dear, Dear Mother by Raffi
Our dear, dear Mother, daily provider, earth be your name. The time has come, to honor you, to know you and to show our love. You give us each day our daily grain, kissed by the sun and kissed by the rain. Teach us now to find a way to care for you in our work and play. Chorus
Passing of the Peace God Loves You and There is Nothing You Can Do About It!
Chant Be still and know that I am God. (Repeat with one less word)
Scripture Gospel of Thomas “The Living Master said to his initiates: “What your own eyes cannot see, your human ears do not hear, your physical hands cannot touch, and what is inconceivable to the human mind — that I will give to you!” (Saying Seventeen) “Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person, and the Hidden Things will be revealed.” (Saying One Hundred Eight) The Master taught his disciples that in order to see the spiritual realm, they must “fast from the world” and enter into heavenly repose (Sabbath rest) — rise above body-consciousness, mental impressions, memories, worries, and agitations. They must set aside some time to rest spiritually, to temporarily close their physical eyes (and ears) to the outside world in order to “see the Father”, the Supreme Being, with the eye of the soul. (Saying Twenty-Seven) ”(Lynn Bauman translation)
Chant Come and fill my heart with your peace, you the God of love are holy. Come and fill our hearts with your peace.
Scripture Gospel of Thomas Logion 49 “Blessed are those chosen and unified. The Realm of the Kingdom is theirs. For out of her you have come, and back to her you are returning.”(Lynn Bauman translation)
Chant O God hear my prayer, O God hear my pray when I call answer me. Repeat….come and listen to me. (repeat)
ReadingThe Wisdom Jesusby Cynthia Bourgualt“Jim Marion suggestsspecifically that the Kingdom of Heaven is Jesus’ own favorite way of describing a state we would nowadays call a “nondual consciousness’ or “unitive consciousness.” The hallmark of this is that it sees no separation—not between God and humans, not between humans and other humans
(not between God, humans and all of nature that is alive) And these are indeed Jesus’ two core teachings, underlying everything he says and does. No separation between God and humans, When Jesus talks about Oneness, he is not speaking in an Eastern sense about an equivalency of being, such that I am in and of myself divine. What he more has in mind is a complete, mutual indwelling: I am in God, God is in you, you are in God, we are in each other.” (Italics my addition)
Chant O Love that will not let me go, I rest my weary head in thee, I give thee back the life I owe, that in thine ocean depths its flow, my richer fuller be. (repeat)
Scripture Gospel of Thomas His disciples said to him, "When will the kingdom come?" Jesus said, "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'here it is' or 'there it is.' Rather, the kingdom of God is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it."
Chant Come and pray in us, Holy Spirit, come and pray in us, come and visit us, Holy Spirit, Spirit come, Spirit come. (repeat)
Chant Sophia, Sophia, Christ Sophia, Shekinah Age to age you’re still the same, by the power of your many names. Sophia, Sophia, Christ Sophia Shekinah, we will praise and lift you high Sophia. Through a Loving Mother Maria you gave the ancient Christ-Sophia, through the power of your hands you turned the sea into dry land. To the outcast on her knees, you were the God who really sees and by your might you set your children free.
Scripture “If your eye be Single, your whole body will be full of Light.” (Saying preserved in Matthew 6:22) “For this reason I say, if one is whole, one will be filled with Light, but if one is divided, one will be filled with darkness.” (YesHUa, from Saying Sixty-One, Gospel of Thomas) Becoming “a Single One,” a spiritually whole person united with God, was the goal of the Thomas tradition of Syrian mysticism. “When you make the two into one… then you will enter the Kingdom.” (Saying Twenty-Two) The spirit, mind and body of the mystic all become united in God; its new way of being is “Singleness.” The word for “Single One” or “Singleness” in the Syriac-Aramaic language is “Ihidaya,” and is used to describe souls that enter into mystical oneness. ”(Lynn Bauman translation)
Chant Our God is our light our light and salvation. In God I trust, in God I trust. (repeat)
Scripture “There is Light within a Person of Light, and it illuminates the entire cosmos.” (Saying Twenty-Four, Gospel of Thomas) Kabir said, “The Light of one soul is equal to that of sixteen suns.” “When the Father, who alone is good, visits the heart, he makes it holy and fills it with Light. And so a person who has such a heart is called blessed, for that person will see God.” (Valentinus of Alexandria)
Chanting Sweet will of God, still fold me closer. Till I am wholly lost in Thee. (repeat)
Reading “In a real sense Christianity as a religion got off on the wrong foot from the start. The problem really boils down to a single word: that ihidaya …a “single one.” In a wisdom context this title would be understood to mean an enlightened (or unified) one, a person who had integrated his or her being around the pole of nondual consciousness But there was no wisdom context at the time, and it did not take long before ihidaya , the single on, began to be interpreted in the sense of the single-as –in-celibate: the monk, the classic ascetic, who renounces the entrapments of this world in order to consecrate his life to the higher spiritual pursuits…..But remember: ihidaya, the single one, is not about a state of celibacy but about the fusion of being Its about becoming single in the sense of mind and heart both going in the sae direction, aligned with God wanting one thing only. This is the singleness that Jesus taught and practices.”
Chant My soul give glory to my God, my heart pours out its praise. God lifted up my lowliness in many marvelous ways. My God has done great things for me: Holy is Her name, All people will declare me blessed and blessings they shall claim.
Scripture Gospel of Matthew Beatitudes and reading "Walk forth, you gentle and humble ones, for your gentleness is your strength”…. The earth resists those who are violent, and offers herself to those who respect her....To act more gently is not to act more feebly or slowly, it is to act with more consciousness and love. Now we begin to understand why the earth is given as the rightful heritage of the gentle, and denied to the violent." (The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, translated by Jean-Yves Leloup)
Chant I know this rose will open. I know my fear will burn away. I know my soul will unfurl its wings. I know this rose will open. (Repeat)
Prayer (In unison) God of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and all the saints. We come to commune with you this Advent and ask you to connect our hearts and our hearts in oneness. May we follow in the WAY of Jesus who they called the Ihidaya or the single one, not because he was celebrate but because he was one with you Gracious God. We come to give up our false self our ego and self centeredness. We come this Advent to go within in order to go into the world to Walk Forth in Ihidaya. Please guide Church for Our Common Home in the ways of love. May we follow Jesus commandment to love one another as he loved us. Please help us to learn to love our enemies. Amen
Prayer Requests (Please offer name and condition briefly.)
Prayer (in unison) Our Mother Father God who is within us we celebrate your many names. Your wisdom come, your will be done, unfolding from
the depths within us. Each day you give us all that we need. You remind us of our limits and we let go. You support us in our power and we act with
courage. For you are the dwelling place within us the empowerment around us and the celebration among us now and forever. Amen
Offering for Church (Please make your tax deductible checks out to Church for Our Common Home and the basket is in the dining room.)
Closing Prayer St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi Prayer
Make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy, And where there is sadness, joy, joy, joy. God grant that I may not so much seek; To be consoled as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we pardoned. And it is in dying that we are born, to Eternal Life. Amen, Amen, Amen
Check out How are you feeling?
Benediction Blessing Song by Miriam Therese Winters
May the blessings of God go before you. May her grace and peace abound. May her spirit live within you. May her love wrap you round. May her blessings remain with you always. May you walk on holy ground.
Communion is our Thanksgiving vegetarian pot luck dinner at the Mary Magdalene Café!
Invitations: Our current ecologic crisis is a call to awaken to the reverence of life and the truth that all nature is alive and sacred. As we witness the sixth extinction of life on earth, the only one created by us humans, we are invited to reclaim the ancient wisdom traditions. We are one organic, interspecies, interconnected whole. What we do affects everyone else. Every Sunday at 5 pm we acknowledge that we need one another more than ever before and commune with God called by many names. We celebrate the wisdom traditions from the East, West, indigenous peoples, new science as we study the teachings of Jesus, Mary Magdalene, the Bible and the newly found gnostic gospels.
Dec. 8th Special worship for Our Lady of Guadalupe pelase bring music, danices, flowers or any gifts to Our Lady.
Christmas worship will be Dec. 22 at 5 pm with a vegetarian pot luck
Christmas Day worship and making dinner for the homeless at Haven House Interfaith Homeless Shelter 5 pm on Wednesday Dec. 25th meet here 4 pm to cook and car pool to Escondido.
Annual Alcohol-free New Year’s Eve Celebration, Tuesday, Dec. 31 Celebration, 5 pm. We will show the movie that will make you want to join us in our vision of biodynamic farming, The Biggest Little Farm, with popcorn! We will also have a dream and vision sharing circle, music, dancing, a bonfire ritual to purify and warm us on our journey as we WALK FORTH in the New Year. Please bring finger food to share.
Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer Contemplation of scriptures and Centering Prayer, ancient Christian contemplative silent prayer practice, every Wednesday at 10 am
Monthly Taize Chanting service first Sunday of every month.
No Beach worship during winter we will hold worship here at home.
Prayer and Healing Service third Sunday of the month.
Dream Circle every first and third Sunday before worship 3-5 pm.
Committee on Ministry meeting every third Sunday each month 7 pm
Please call Rev. Bonnie if you would like a pastoral visit and/or if you would like to pray or if you have prayer requests. (858) 248-5123.
“Human Self-Destruction or Healthy Future? Might Whitehead Help?”Class that Dr. John B. Cobb Jr. Please join Rev. Bonnie Tarwater and Church for Our Common Home for an online class 10 weeks 9-11 am (PST) throughthe Claremont Institute for Process Studies, church has paidand you are welcome to come to my house and enjoy one or all classes as my guest. God and Idolatry, Dec.7 Radical Religious Pluralism, Dec. 14 The Primacy of Love Dec. 21 make up class