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I know this rose will open

Lighting of Candles 

Welcome/ Check in (How are you feeling?)

Sharing of Invitations (see back of the order of worship)   

Reading of Church vision “12 Step Program for Ecologic Civilization” 

Invocation           Our Dear, Dear Mother                            by   Raffi                

Our dear, dear Mother, daily provider, earth be your name. The time has come, to honor you, to know you and to show our love. You give us each day our daily grain, kissed by the sun and kissed by the rain. Teach us now to find a way to care for you in our work and play. Chorus 

Passing of the Peace God Loves You and There is Nothing You Can Do About It!

Musical Offering             O Come O Come Emmanuel

O come, O come, Emmanuel, and with your captive children dwell.
Give comfort to all exiles here, and to the aching heart bid cheer.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come within as Love to dwell.

O come, you Splendor very bright, as joy that never yields to might.
O come, and turn all hearts to peace, that greed and war at last shall cease.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come within as Truth to dwell.

O come, you Dayspring, come and cheer our spirits by your presence here.
And dawn in every broken soul as vision that can see the whole.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come within as Light to dwell.

O come, you Wisdom from on high, from depths that hide within a sigh,
to temper knowledge with our care, to render every act a prayer.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel shall come within as Hope to dwell.

Scripture Exodus 3:7, 8 God said, “I have seen the affliction of my people.” 

Gospel of Luke 1:28-30  The angel came to her and said, “You are honored very much. You are a favored woman. God  is with you. You are chosen from among many women.” When she saw the angel, she was troubled at his words. She thought about what had been said. The angel said to her, “Mary, do not be afraid. You have found favor with God.”

Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe 

Musical Response I know this rose will open. I know my fear will burn away. I know my soul will unfurl its wings. I know this rose will open. (Repeat)

Reflection                               Our Lady, Music, Flowers  and the

Vision of Church for Our Common  Home Rev. Bonnie 

Prayer   (In unison)    Dear God of Love, We give thanks for the vision of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Thank you God the Mother, Mother of God, you Our Lady  who encouraged Juan Diego in 1531 to become a prophet for his people, against impossible odds.  Like the indigenous people of Mexico who were tortured, exploited and colonized by the Spaniards our earth has been tortured, exploited and colonized by capitalism and empire. Personally and collectively we too often have become brainwashed to values of power over domination, materialism and greed. The Our Lady of Guadalupe event brought light into the darkness, hope where there was only despair. We tell the story of Our Lady, a story set in the time and place of conquest that unexpectedly brought God’s liberation and empowerment to inspire us to find light in our time of darkness.  Please guide Church for Our Common Home in the ways of vision and love and the friendship and mutuality of Juan Diego and Our Lady of Guadalupe. May we walk forth with the vision of a new world community of love and care for our common home mother earth.  May we follow Jesus’s commandment to love God not money, and to love one another as he loved us. Please help us to learn to love our enemies. Amen  

Prayer Requests (Please offer name and condition briefly.)  

Prayer  (in unison) Our Mother Father God who is within us we celebrate your many names. Your wisdom come,  your will be done, unfolding from 

the depths within us. Each day you give us all that we need. You remind us of our limits and we let go. You support us in our power and we act with 

courage. For you are the dwelling place within us the empowerment around us and the celebration among us now and forever. Amen

Musical response                  Over My Head 

Over my head I hear music in the air, (repeat)  there must be a God somewhere. Over my head I feel love is in the air…

Offering for Church (Please make your tax deductible checks out to Church for Our Common Home and the basket is in the dining room.) 

Closing Prayer St. Francis and St. Clare of Assisi Prayer

Make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred let me sow love; Where there is injury, pardon; Where there is doubt, faith; Where there is despair, hope; Where there is darkness, light; And where there is sadness, joy, And where there is sadness, joy, joy, joy. God grant that I may not so much seek; To be consoled as to console; To be understood, as to understand; To be loved as to love; For it is in giving that we receive, It is in pardoning that we pardoned. And it is in dying that we are born, to Eternal Life. Amen, Amen, Amen

Check out              How are you feeling?

Benediction                Blessing Song           by Miriam Therese Winters

May the blessings of God go before you. May her grace and peace abound. May her spirit live within you. May her love wrap you round. May her blessings remain with you always. May you walk on holy ground. 

Communion is our vegetarian pot luck dinner at the Mary Magdalene Café!

Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe In 1531, during an extremely cold winter, a fifty-seven-year-old Aztec Indian named Juan Diego encountered a miracle on his way to morning mass. He was  just outside of Mexico City  in the same place where the Temple to Tonatsin the Goddess of the Earth and Corn had been before the Spanish colonizers brutally destroyed their religion and inflicted  genocide on his people.  First, he heard music playing on Tepeyac Hill and then he heard the voice of a woman calling his name. Curious at where the music was coming from or who could possibly be calling his name, he decided to climb the hill and investigate. On top of the hill, he saw a woman who was an Aztec Indian like himself. She introduced herself as Our Lady of Guadalupe and she was Mother  Mary. She loved Juan and told him he had been chosen by God to help her build a new kind of church.  She asked him to ask the bishop of Mexico City to build a church and call it Our Lady of Guadalupe. Juan immediately agreed to this request and set out to meet the bishop.

While Juan Diego was quite convinced at the Virgin Mary’s message, the bishop was a little more skeptical. In fact, he didn’t believe his story at all, so Juan Diego returned back to the hill and told the Virgin Mary that the bishop didn’t believe him. Our Lady of Guadalupe   once again told him to visit the bishop and relay the same message to him. Juan Diego did so and instead of just dismissing him outright, the bishop asked him to secure some form of proof from the lady that she was indeed the Mother of God. 

Upon returning to the hill, Juan Diego told Our Lady of Guadalupe that the bishop needed a sign. Immediately, she provided him with the proof she needed. Roses sprung up through the desert sand and Juan Diego gathered them in his cloak made from cactus called a tilma. Our Lady then arranged the flowers in his tilma cloak with her own hands. Juan immediately returned to the bishop to show him the wondrous sign of the roses. He opened his cloak to release the roses and when he did, it was revealed that an image of Our Lady had been imprinted on his cloak. The bishop immediately understood the message of Our Lady of Guadalupe and they began  construction on a new kind of  church. It still stands today and is on the same spot of the Temple of Tonatsi and where Juan Diego saw his vision of  Our Lady of Guadalupe. December 12 is her feast day and people around the world celebrate the divine feminine face of God and a new kind of church for al creatures human dn anon human in need of love and mercy. 





Church vision “12 Step Program for Ecologic Civilization” 

Church for Our Common Home is dedicated to the Earth, a living being, the Divine Feminine and the Arts.  


Our vision is to build an artistic ecologic church to love and pray for Mother Earth.

    We work for an Ecologic Civilization with our 12 step program.  


1.     Share the truth that the current 6th extinction of life on Earth, the only one created by humans, is an invitation for transformation as a human species. 

2.     Share the history and human habits of dominant over relationships and commit to relationships of  collaboration, partnership and co-creativity. 

3.     Make amends for our alienation and abuse of the natural world and our idolatry of scientism and rationalism  using transdisciplinary reconnections of religion, art, psychology, ecology,  etc. 

4.     Explore eco-feminist and process theology, celebrating God/dess language, symbols and relationships. 

5.     Study the teachings of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, including newly found gnostic scriptures and the world’s ancient wisdom traditions.

6.     Offer diverse spiritual practices to develop loving relationships with the natural world, Mother Earth and 

all creation. 

7.     Honor the invisible realms of dreams, prayer, intuition, parapsychology and imagination.

8.     Celebrate the visual and performing arts, ritual making, beauty and creativity as divine spiritual practice.

9.     Celebrate intergenerational community by intentionally including and honoring the very young and old. 

10.  Encourage consciousness raising with integration of body, sexuality, mind, spirit, feelings, intuition and imagination. 

 11.  Work for social justice locally and globally in partnership with other organizations.

12.  Experiment with nontraditional church in order to create relevant, spirit filled and loving community.

Invitations: Our current ecologic crisis is a call to awaken to the reverence of life and the truth that all nature is alive and sacred. As we witness the sixth extinction of life on earth, the only one created by us humans, we are invited to reclaim the ancient wisdom traditions. We are one organic, interspecies, interconnected whole.   What we do affects everyone else. Every Sunday at 5 pm we acknowledge that we need one another more than ever before  and commune with God called by many names. We celebrate  the  wisdom traditions from  the East, West, indigenous peoples,  new science as we study the teachings of Jesus, Mary Magdalene,  the Bible and  the newly found gnostic gospels.


Christmas worship will be Dec. 22 at 5 pm with a vegetarian pot luck 

Christmas Day worship and making dinner for the homeless at Haven House Interfaith Homeless Shelter meet here at house at 5 pm on Wednesday Dec. 25th to car pool to Escondido. 

Annual Alcohol-free New Year’s Eve Celebration, Tuesday, Dec. 31 Celebration, 5 pm. We will show the movie that will make you want to join us in our vision of biodynamic farming, The Biggest Little Farm, with popcorn! We will also have a dream and vision sharing circle, music, dancing, a bonfire ritual to purify and warm us on our journey as we WALK FORTH in the New Year. Please bring finger food to share.

Lectio Divina  and Centering Prayer  Contemplation of scriptures and Centering Prayer, ancient Christian contemplative silent prayer practice, every Wednesday at 10  am

Monthly Taize Chanting service first Sunday of every month.

No Beach worship during winter we will hold worship here at home. 

Prayer and Healing Service third Sunday of the month.

Dream Circle every first and third Sunday before worship 3-5 pm. 

Committee on Ministry meeting every third Sunday each month 7 pm 

Please call Rev. Bonnie if you would like a pastoral visit and/or if you would like to pray or if you have prayer requests.  (858) 248-5123.

“Human Self-Destruction or Healthy Future? Might Whitehead Help?” Class that Dr. John B. Cobb Jr. Please join Rev. Bonnie Tarwater and Church for Our Common Home for an online class 10 weeks 9-11 am (PST) through  the Claremont Institute for Process Studies,  The church has paid  and you are welcome to come to my house and enjoy one or all classes as my guest. Radical Religious Pluralism, Dec. 14 The Primacy of Love Dec. 21 make up class.

Earlier Event: December 1
Walk Forth with Ihidaya
Later Event: December 8
Story of Our Lady of Guadalupe