Dear Earthlings,
Sometimes I feel as if I know how Mother Earth and Holy Mother God feel? Do you know what I mean?
The Earth and God are not the same, however God is in and amongst all living creatures here on Mother Earth, so they are interrelated.
Julian of Norwich born in 1342, lived to be 87 during a pandemic of the bubonic plague. She was surrounded by sadness, terror and death yet she gifted us with her profound reflections about God and nature. "The first good thing is the goodness of nature.....God is the same thing as nature..... The goodness in nature is God." She also writes about the Motherhood of God, "God feels great delight to be our Mother." God feels tender love for all us, just like a loving Mother, yes?
We all feel sad sometimes. Feelings come, feelings go. Love and God remain. Please join us this Sunday on Zoom for our second Earth Day worship.
When I am sad, prayer, music and reflecting on wisdom teachings cheers me up or at least grounds me. Talking and listening to animals and plants makes me feel less lonely. Being with safe people and trying to be honest helps when I'm sad too. Beauty in nature and art helps my sadness greatly, how about you?
Artist Josephine Wall Natures Embrace Let's try to love one another and tell the truth for Earth Day, ok? It will help our sadness. We will break into small groups and share three questions about the reading below from Job. What word or short phrase strikes your attention? What does this have to do with your current life? From what you are learning from this scripture what is God calling you to do, be or transform into?
"But ask the animals, and they will teach you; the birds of the air, and they will tell you the truth. Listen to the plants of the earth, and learn from them; let the fish of the sea become your teachers. Who among all these does not know that the hand of God has done this? In God's hand is the soul of every living thing; in God's hand is the breath of all humankind." Job 12:7-10 The Inclusive Bible the First Egalitarian Translation.
Sending love to you human creatures reading this on Earth Day. Bonnie
Invitations to our weekly Zoom programs:Intercessory Prayer Circle Thursday's 9 am Contact Bonnie (858) 248-5123 with prayer requests.
Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer Tuesdays 9-10 am
Dream Group Wednesday 7-8:30 pm
Sunday worship April 25
4 pm PST Zoom ID 3025719458
Hello Mother Earth, how are you today on Earth Day? Hello Holy Mama God, how are you? How are both of you this odd, sad and terrifying pandemic covid year of 2021 on Earth Day? I have felt some sadness today. Then my sadness lifts and I feel grateful to be with you. I remember how I have changed in my life so maybe our human species can change also? Sometimes we have treated you as if you had no feelings and we are sorry. Today for Earth Day we want to learn from you, listen to you, love and pray for you. Thank you for loving us, for caring for us for being our common home. Please don't give up on us.
Your friend at our church dedicated to you,
Church for Our Common Home,