Dear Earthlings,
Please join our Earth Day Celebration, with Dr. John B. Cobb Jr. preaching "Being Biblical on Earth Day" Dr. Cobb is an international environmentalist, theologian, philosopher and planetary treasure who is a regular attendee and friend of Church for Our Common Home. He has been a prophet for the environmental and ecology movement writing, Is It Too Late? A Theology of Ecology over fifty years ago.
Sunday, April 18th
4 pm PST Zoom ID 3025719458 Click on this Zoom link for Dr. Cobb's talk 3025719458 We will also welcome Dr. Zhihe Wang and Dr. Meijun Fan who graciously invited me to join Dr. Cobb in a life transformative trip to China in 2019. They began the Institute for Postmodern Development in China (IPDC) in 2005 and have opened thirty six Process Centers in major universities in China that teach an organic and ecologic philosophy. They continue to pioneer East/West ecologic community building and friendship with their recent invitation to Church for Our Common Home's farm, newly named the John Cobb Eco Farm, to become a pair of "Sister Eco Farms" with other "Sister Eco Farms" in China. Bruce Hanson is helping to lead this brilliant work of international "Sister Eco Farms" and will join us Sunday and share more details. wo years ago we enjoyed partnering with the IPDC for our Earth Day celebration while we were living in San Diego. Dr. Joean Oon Siew Kee gave a presentation about her work with Eco Enzymes that help promote health and environmental sustainability. She was the 12th recipient of the John Cobb Common Good Award in recognition of her international work and you can see our event in the photo below. It is a great joy to celebrate Earth Day in 2021 by announcing our new commitment to further international friendship, eco farming and living as a Sister Eco Farm with our good friends in China. Please check out their website and support their work as your contribution to Earth Day this year.
Click her on web link below
Institute for the Postmodern Development of China
You are also invited to their yearly conference Ecological Civilization and Organic Communitarianism
May 22-26, 2021 | Fully Online
14th International Forum on Ecological Civilization Our weekly Zoom programs:
Intercessory Prayer Circle Thursday's 9-9:30 am
Contact Bonnie (858) 248-5123 with prayer requests.
Lectio Divina and Centering Prayer Tuesdays 9-10 am
Dream Group Wednesday 7-8:30 pm
Check out our new John Cobb Eco Farm page on our website on this link,
John Cobb Eco Farm — Church For Our Common Home
Sending love! Call with any questions (858) 248-5123